Fellowship & Nurture

Cross nurtures its members

The Fellowship Committee hosts many varied fun family and adult events throughout the year. Some examples of those past events include: Chili/Soup cookoffs, Toga Parties, St. Patrick Day Parties, Dinner Theatre, Mardi Gras parties, Easter Breakfast and Easter Egg Roll, Road Rallys, Bike Rallys, Fourth of July Picnics, Men's Golf, (New for 2013 Women's Golf), Men's Softball, Coffee House Jazz Concerts, Cross Pot-luck Family Picnics, Halloween Parties, Trunk or Treat, Wine Tasting Night, Christmas Decorating of the Church, Christmas Program Open House and New Years Eve Parties. During the six week Lenten Season, we have Soup Suppers every Wednesday before that evening's confirmation student led service.

The Nurture Committee is made up of many caring, faithfully generous hearted individuals.

  • STEPHEN MINISTRY: Loving individuals; who have had special, specific training. The Stephen Ministry was developed to assist the pastor and to have lay people available for anyone needing someone to talk to. Total discretion. Appropriate pairing with someone who will be right for your circumstances. Visiting shut ins and those hospitalized are also part of this ministry.
  • NURSING: Focuses on keeping the congregation healthy. Nursing has involved, regular BP screenings, flu shot clinics, recurring blood drives, keeping first aid kits stocked and the defibrillator ready for use at all times. CPR & First Aid training.
  • MILITARY: We remember those whose names we are provided in prayer, weekly. We stay in touch with those we have addresses for through cards at special times. Other media keeps us in touch either by Facebook or Caring Bridge.
  • CARENOTES: Appropriate cards are mailed out to the members of the congregation who have recently lost a loved one. These continue to be delivered typically through the first year of the loss. With loving, faithful words to help ease the pain and aide the grieving process.